How to Match the Wedding Party

There is a lot of confusion when it comes to matching the wedding party, which is understandable since most stores don't give you proper advice, if any at all. I went through this with my wedding and was left scrambling a month before the wedding trying to right the many wrongs. I really hope this blog clears everything up for you. If you have any further questions afterwards please comment below or e-mail me personally.
This video sums everything up nicely, otherwise read on.
First and foremost, the Groom and the Groomsmen should match each other in some way but not a perfect match. Whether that is the same suits, dress shirts, ties or the Groom has a charcoal suit with the Groomsmen wearing a charcoal vest and dress pants.
Groom you should match the bride, whether that is in your shirt, tie or pocket square. Pull the colours out of her dress or bouquet.
Groomsmen, you are matching the bridesmaids in some way. Pull the colour of their dress into your shirt, tie or pocket square. You can also match the colours of their bouquet in your shirt, tie or pocket square.
With the suits you can go where ever you want, you can bring out the wedding colours or go with a stylish colour as long as it does not clash with the wedding party or the wedding colours.
For example, if you have a forest green theme, go with a forest green suit for the groom and forest green vests under a charcoal suit for the Groomsmen.

Photo Courtesy of Brooklyn D Photography
Option 1:
Let's take an example from one of my favourite wedding parties we have done. With a maroon theme for the bridesmaids the initial plan was to have the Groomsmen and Groom in maroon as well. That would've been A LOT of maroon. Instead, we opted for a maroon windowpane colour in their suits and maroon in the tie.
The groom and groomsmen have the same maroon windowpane pattern but the grooms suit is a dark charcoal where the Groomsmen is a light grey. The matching comes with the windowpane, the tie, dress shirt and pocket square but the groom completely stands out.
Groom: Suit is different, dress shirt, tie and pocket square match the Groomsmen.
Groomsmen: Suit pattern matches the bridesmaid, dress shirt, tie & pocket square match the Groom.
Option 2:
This one doesn't let the Groom stand out as much but is a pretty common look. When the Groom is wearing the same suit as the Groomsmen he needs other parts to be different. That is where the dress shirt can match the brides dress of white or ivory, the tie matches a bouquet colour and the pocket square matches the shirt.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The tie and pocket square should never match. It should always compliment each other or the outfit. You will find tie and pocket square combos in stores but they sell them that way because they have extra fabric after making the tie. Instead of discarding the fabric they sew the edges, call it a combo and up the price by about 25-50%.
Groom: Suit matches the Groomsmen, dress shirt matches the brides dress, tie matches her bouquet or accessory, pocket square matches his shirt.
Groomsmen: Suit matches the Groom, tie matches the Bridesmaids bouquet or dress and pocket square matches their shirt.

Option 3:
Groom: A different colour suit, shirt matches the bride, tie matches her bouquet, pocket square matches the Groomsmen.
Groomsmen: Matching suits, white shirt to match the Groom, tie that matches the Bridesmaids dresses, pocket square matches the Groom.
The Groom wants to stand out in some way, he should not be completely matching the Groomsmen. If you are trying to match exactly make sure you bring fabric swatches of the Brides & Bridesmaids dresses to the first appointment. We obviously try to match that swatch exactly but if we can't we can usually get really close.
You want the pictures to look great for years to come so that is where we would love to help you out. Whether you are local to us or online we are always here to answer any questions you may have with no pressure to buy anything.
How to match the wedding party, Groom style, Groomsman style, Groomsmen style, How to match the Groom to the Bride, How to match the Groomsmen to the Bridesmaids, Wedding colour matching, Matching wedding colors